
Defence of Luís Miguel Antelo Lema's doctoral thesis
23rd November 2020 at 11:30 am
Microsoft Teams

The dissertation A crise identitaria no sistema teatral galego do século XXI: tensións entre o valor económico e o compromiso cunha identidade cultural diferenciada was directed by ILLA members Laura Tato Fontaíña and Carlos Biscainho.

The defence will take place online, via Teams.

The evaluation board is formed by Elías Torres Feijó (USC) as president, Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián (UDC) as chair of the board and Iolanda Ogando (Universidad de Extremadura) as secretary.

The research draws from the premise that the progressive introduction of market economy in the Galician dramatic system resulted into its identity crisis, and it approaches the analysis of the current struggle between different agents taking part in the drama production line, between the economic profit of the spectacles and the social impact in favour of the minoritised Galician cultural identity.