
New issue of 'Revista Galega de Filoloxía'
December 2020

Issue 21 of the journal managed by ILLA is now available on the UDC electronic journal repository.

The scholarly journal born in 2000 is devoted to the publication of research works developing any linguistic or philological aspect within the Galician and Portuguese area of study, as well as to the promotion and knowledge of the language within society.

The publication is currently directed by Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei, while Xoán López Viñas is the assistant director and Estefanía Mosquera Castro is the secretary.

This issue contains papers by Mariña Arbor Aldea, Luís López Alonso, Eduardo Louredo Rodríguez, Stephen Parkinson, Alexandre Peres Vigo and José Teixeira, illustrating aspects such as the history of Cancioneiro da Ajuda, the case of recent Galician speakers, stress metrics in the genre of 'cantiga de amigo', anti-Galician stereotypes and proverbs about wine, respectively.

 The full text is available for

The persons interested in submitting their work for issue 22 may read the instructions for authors in