
Special section about Xela Arias at 'Biblioteca Virtual Galega'
May 2021

Coordinated by Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián, member of ILLA, the repository makes this page available on the occasion of the Día das Letras Galegas (Galician Literature Day) 2021.

The page, which can also be accessed through the BVG, provides information on the life and work of the poet and translator, along with a complete list of works dedicated to the analysis of her work and the initiatives that have been developed as a tribute to Xela Arias until this year.

This information is completed with a wide selection of texts, which facilitate a first approach to the work of Arias, and with a complete list of reference web pages to deepen the knowledge about the author. Finally, it is possible to access numerous audiovisual contents, in the "Media Library" and "Photo Library" sections.

One more year, ILLA congratulates the initiative of the Biblioteca Virtual Galega (Galician Virtual Library) for its efforts on disseminating knowledge about the work of the person to which the Día das Letras Galegas (Day of Galician Literature) is devoted.