
Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro participates in the colloquium 'A Raia na Água: Eduardo Lourenço e o mundo hispânico'
1st and 2nd June 2021
University of Évora (online event)

Professor Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro, integrated member of ILLA, will take part in this meeting, organised by the Chair of Iberian Studies of the University of Évora, with the intervention "Da pintura como questão e dos imaginários hispânicos lourencianos" (About painting as a question and Lourenzo's Hispanic imagery).

The intervention will focus on the vision of Eduardo Lourenço (1923-2020) of the Hispanic imaginaries, starting from the blunt perspective of the "via negationis" with which, as a Socratic "passing spectator" of museums, exhibitions and works of art, the author re-thinks the plastic trajectory in modernity. These imaginaries, in their case, institute sketches characterizing a certain Portuguese imaginary, re-elaborated especially in the 20th century, and a controversial Spanish imaginary, as communal as it is essentialist and debatable. Therefore, the texts collected in O espelho imaginário. Pintura, anti-pintura, não-pintura (1996) and Da pintura (2017) will be addressed, texts by a Lourenço who, as an instigating 'occasional visitor' of art and artists, aphoristically considered that "ser é ser visto": "to be is to be seen".