
Passing of Francisco Pillado Mayor
August 2021

Francisco Pillado Mayor, a reference for Galician theatre studies and honorary president of University of A Coruña's Theatre Library and Archive, which bears his name, passed away on 12 August.

It is with immense sorrow that the ILLA group announces the passing of Francisco Pillado Mayor (A Coruña, 1941-2021), a key figure in Galician culture in recent decades, especially in the media, publishing and theatre.

The author from A Coruña carried out an intense activity of criticism and dissemination of drama, in media such as A Nosa Terra, O Correo Galego, Radio Nacional de España, La Voz de Galicia or Cadena Ser, where he directed the space "A escena e a pantalla" in A Coruña's radio station.

In theatrical practice, Pillado stood out for prompting groups such as that of the Cultural Association O Facho (1965), Galician Drama School (1978), Luis Seoane (1980) and Elsinor Teatro (1990), cultural companies that he shared with Manuel Lourenzo.

In the world of publishing, apart from participating in publications such as the Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega and directing the theatrical collection "A biblioteca do Arlequín" at Sotelo Blanco, he founded Laiovento editions in 1990, together with Xosé Manuel Beiras, Pepe Carreiro, Xesús Couceiro, Manuel González Millares and Alfonso Ribas. He was the literary director of Laiovento, a leading publisher in Galicia, until 2014.

The intense activity we have mentioned was completed with a huge work of dramatic translation of texts by Lorca, Chekhov, Strindberg, Beckett or Ionesco, among others. Also, Pillado was a scholar and historian of Galician theater. With Manuel Lourenzo, he wrote O teatro galego (1979), he prepared the Antoloxía do teatro galego (1982) and he organized the Dicionário do teatro galego (1987), essential works in the development of Galician theatrical historiography. He dedicated a relevant monograph to the plays of Manuel Lugrís. With Miguel Anxo Fernán-Vello he prepared and published the interview books Conversas en Compostela con Carballo Calero (1986), A nación incesante. Conversas con Xosé Manuel Beiras (1989) and A estrela na palabra. Novas conversas con Xosé Manuel Beiras (2004).

Always linked to culture, Pillado was part of the Board of Directors of the Galician Language Writers Association (1984-1988) and the Governing Council of the Galician Institute of Performing and Musical Arts (IGAEM) between 1995 and 1997. Following a proposal of the Galician Parliament, Pillado was appointed a member of the board of directors of the Galician Radio-Television Company in 1997. In the field of journalism, he also stood out for his support since 2011 to the Praza Pública Foundation, publisher of the newspaper

Francisco Pillado Mayor's long career has earned him several tributes in his lifetime, such as the Critics' Award in 1989 for his work in the Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega, the Abrente Honour Award at the Ribadavia International Theater Festival in 2012 or the Republican Honour Award. 2017 of the Commission for the Recovery of the Historical Memory of A Coruña, in recognition of the defense of republican and democratic values ​​throughout his life.

The University of A Coruña, its Faculty of Philology and the ILLA group owe the existence of the Francisco Pillado Mayor Theater Library and Archive to the generosity of Francisco Pillado Mayor, as its funds come from the author's personal library and he was part of it as Honorary President and member of the Scientific Board.

ILLA wants to express its deep gratitude and admiration to a fundamental agent in the dignification of the Galician theater, one of the core areas of our research work.

May the earth be light to him.