
Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei publishes "O portugués esquecido"
August 2021

The professor from A Coruña, a member of ILLA, has penned a study on northern varieties of portuguese, stressing their relationship with Galician.

Professor Sánchez Rei's new book is entitled O portugués esquecido. O galego e os dialectos portugueses setentrionais (The Forgotten Portuguese. Galician and the northern Portuguese dialects). In this volume, the author explains in detail how, for centuries, the popular orality of the northern regions of Portugal has retained phonetic, grammatical and lexical features that correspond, at present, to the differentiating characteristics of Galician with respect to the Lusitanian standard. The grammarians, lexicographers and treatise writers of the Lisbon metropolis fought them vigorously since the beginning of the Portuguese grammatical tradition in the 16th century. But most of them, for cultural, historical, sociological reasons etc. managed to survive until the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, and in some cases even made it to the present time. Thus, the book delves into those linguistic elements considered today markedly Galician and, until recently, also idiosyncratic of the spoken varieties of Minho and Trás-os-Montes.

For more information on the publication, see the publisher's website.