
ILLA at the Hispanic Medieval Literature Association International Colloquium
2 to 4 September 2021

Two members of ILLA, professor Manuel Ferreiro and professor Leticia Eirín, took part in this scientific meeting.

The Hispanic Medieval Literature Association International Colloquium took place in the Andalusian city of Cordoba, under the title "Pervivencia y literatura: documentos periféricos al texto literario" (Survival and Literature: Peripheral Documents of the Literary Text). During the session of September 3, professor Leticia Eirín presented the paper "Ca ja todas saben que sodes meu. A «posesión» do amigo na poesia profana galego-portuguesa"; at the same session, professor Manuel Ferreiro delivered an intervention entitled "Achegamento aos refráns das cantigas galego-portuguesas: variatio vs. repetitio".

More information about the Colloquium: