
Manuel Ferreiro, keynote speaker at the VII International Congress of the Convivio Association
3th-5th November 2021
Faculty of Philology

The Congress will also have the participation of the members of the group ILLA Leticia Eirín, Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián and Teresa López.

The Faculty of Philology will host these days the VII International Congress of the Convivio Association, coordinated by Cleofé Tato -professor in this faculty- and a meeting point for specialists in the study of song books and songbook poetry. Topics related to the subject will be covered, especially those related to the lines of revision of the canon, lost poetry, the reception of songbook poetry and the historiography of this field of study.

The ILLA group will participate through its members Manuel Ferreiro, keynote guest speaker with the presentation "Voltando ás cantigas de amigo: algunhas reflexións textuais", Leticia Eirín, who will talk about "O cancionero de Martín de Caldas", Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián, on "Xohán de Isorna, un trovador na corte de Xelmírez", and Teresa López, who will present "Cantares de amiga: poetas contemporáneas e trobadorismo medieval".

The complete program, as well as other data of interest, is available on the congress website.