
Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián participates in the conference 'A obra de Pedrayo e o seu estudo: un estado da cuestión'
10th December, 2021
Otero Pedrayo Foundation

The ILLA member will participate in the meeting with other researchers and specialists.

The event, which will take place in the Pazo de Trasalba, will address different topics related to the work of the member of the Xeración Nós, from his biography to his political side, through his literary and journalistic work.

In addition to Carme F. Pérez-Sanjulián, the meeting will feature the interventions of Xesús Alonso Montero, Patricia Arias, Victor F. Freixanes, Augusto Pérez Alberti, Xosé Ramón Quintana, Pegerto Saavedra, Xosé Manuel Salgado, Iago Seara, Dolores Vilavedra and Ramón Villares .