
ILLA participates in the tribute to Amparo Tavares Maleval
13th January 2022

Professors and ILLA members Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro, Manuel Ferreiro and Laura Tato Fontaíña participate in the tribute.

The Signum (Revista da ABREM), publishes a dossier in homage to the Brazilian teacher Mª do Amparo Tavares Maleval, who passed away a year ago.

Amparo Tavares was a professor and researcher with an intense production, consolidated nationally and internationally, and also an important piece in the history of the Associação Brasileira de Estudos Medievais, which she chaired between 2005 and 2009.

ILLA members Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro, Manuel Ferreiro and Laura Tato Fontaíña participate, with various articles, in this volume.