
ILLA members participate in a book edited by the Consello da Cultura Galega and the Academia Galega de Teatro
11th February 2022

The book collects the texts from the interventions presented at the I Congreso Internacional do Teatro Galego.

The publication, entitled Deseñando horizontes. Situación actual, orixe e planificación do futuro do teatro galego, aims to contribute to social transformation and the sharing of the current situation of the problems of Galician theater from very different perspectives.

Several members of ILLA participate in this volume, such as Carlos-Caetano Biscainho-Fernandes (who is also one of the editors), Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei, Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato, Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián and Diego Rivadulla Costa. The topics they deal with range from linguistic uses in Galician theater to a review of Otero Pedrayo's work or a proposal to establish the bases for research into Galician theater of memory.

The book can be accessed from the website of the Consello da Cultura Galega.