
New publications by members of ILLA
2nd March 2022

New contributions from ILLA members Isaac Lourido, Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro and Alva Martínez Teixeiro were published at the beginning of this year.

Professors Isaac Lourido, Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro and Alva Martínez Teixeiro, members of ILLA, published in the first months of this year new contributions in the line of cultural studies.

Isaac Lourido collaborates in the book Ensayos de historiografía literaria (castellana, catalana, gallega y vasca) with a chapter on Carvalho Calero's História da Literatura. In the collection of essays published by Gredos there are also two other chapters on Galician themes: one by Chus Lama on Manuel Murguía and another by Álex Alonso on the Ensaio d'un programa pr'o estudo da literatura popular galega, by Vicente Risco.

For their part, Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro and Alva Martínez Teixeiro publish, in vol. 34.1 of the journal Arte, individuo y sociedad of the Complutense University of Madrid, an essay on the extended identity and alterity of the portrait in the plastic and memorial work of the Brazilian artist Iberê Camargo (1914-1994). The article is a partial result of the research project Artistas letrados e letrados artistas (AL-LA), financed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and developed at the Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias da Universidade de Lisboa (CLEPUL) and the ILLA Group of the UDC, respectively, by Professor Alva M. Teixeiro and Professor Carlos P. M. Pereiro.