
'Mulleres de tinta e papel: a situación problemática da autoría feminina na Galiza do século XIX'
28th April 2022
Agrupación Cultural Alexandre Bóveda

Ánxela Cabanas will participate in the Aula Aberta cycle organised by the AC Alexandre Bóveda in collaboration with the ILLA Group. 

Ánxela Cabanas, graduated in Modern Languages and Literature (French), will talk about female authorship in 19th century Galicia, taking Rosalía de Castro as the main reference.  

The conference is part of the Aula Aberta cycle organised by the AC Alexandre Bóveda in collaboration with the ILLA Group, with which they intend to establish a space for dissemination and exchange on topics of Galician literature and culture. 

The activity will take place at the headquarters of the AC Alexandre Bóveda this Thursday, April 28th, at 19.30 h. In order to attend, it is necessary to register on the website by sending a form.