
Alberto Pombo Añón's PhD thesis defence
October 28th 2022, 12:30 h
Faculty of Philology (UDC), Sala de graos

The thesis was co-directed by Professor Teresa López, ILLA member.

The research work is titled Verso e acorde: relacións entre literatura galega e música (1960-2000) and it was developed under the framework of the interuniversity doctorate program in Literary Studies. Alongside with Professor Teresa López, this research work was directed by Professor Xosé María Dobarro.

The examination board in charge of judging the thesis will be presided over by Professor Laura Tato (Universidade da Coruña) and it will be formed by Professor Carlos Taibo (Autonomous University of Madrid) and Professor María Xesús Nogueira (University of Santiago de Compostela).

More information about this doctoral student can be found at: