
An excellent 'cum laude' for Alberto Pombo's PhD thesis
November 2022
University of A Coruña

The thesis was defended on the past October 28th at the Philology Faculty.

Alberto Pombo's work, titled Verso e acorde. Relacións entre literatura galega e música (1960-2000), was awarded with the highest grade by the examination board, which was presided over by the Emeritus Professor at UDC and ILLA member, Professor Laura Tato, and it was formed by Professor Carlos Taibo, from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Professor María Xesús Nogueira, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, who acted as secretary.

The thesis approaches the study of the relations between literature and music in the contemporary Galicia, a topic that hasn't been explored in specific yet. In a historical context that was influenced by censorship, the Galician literature will find in the music a new channel for its dissemination. During the research, all the popo music of the second half of the 20th century was left unfolded and used to identidy and to systematize every musical composition that had a literary base. This highlited the interaction between music and poetry in the building of the literary canon.

The Grupo ILLA would like to send their congratulations to the new doctor and to the thesis directors, Professor Teresa López, ILLA member, and Professor Xosé María Dobarro.