
ILLA organiza unha palestra de Mariela Sánchez na AC Alexandre Bóveda
July 20th, 2023, 7.30 p.m.
AC Alexandre Bóveda (rúa Santo André 36, 1º)

"As nenas que non contaron: memoria e narrativa sobre experiencias de desprazamentos forzados de Galicia á Arxentina" is the title os the intervention

In the context of the collaboration that ILLA is developing with AC Alexandre Bóveda, Dr. Mariela Sánchez's lecture will address the memory of the girls who left Galicia for the other side of the Atlantic.

From testimonial self-writings to the fictionalization of plausible situations, the narrative shows a path through spaces emerge for the elaboration of traumatic instances, estrangement, and the impossibility of belonging and recognition. These narratives converge in literary elaborations on the vicissitudes faced, at different times in the 20th century, by childhoods, particularly the girls who crossed the Atlantic from Galicia.

Mariela Sánchez holds Phd in Literature from the National University of La Plata (Argentina), is an Associate Professor in the area of Spanish Literature at the same university, and is a researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). Her research lines include the memory of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism, the transmission of a traumatic past, and the cultural dialogue between Spain and Argentina in the field of narrative.