
Carme Vidal en 'Aula aberta'
June 26th, 2024 at 7.30 pm
Agrupación Cultural Alexandre Bóveda (Santo André 36, 1º)

The conference "Mulleres coa vida escrita" will close the cycle organised by ILLA together with AC Alexandre Bóveda.

In "Mulleres coa vida escrita" Carme Vidal brings us closer to the works of several lesser-known women writers, authors of autobiographical works that document the military coup, exile, and repression. Syra Alonso, Mercedes Núñez, Mariví Villaverde, Isabel Ríos, María Casares, Carme Parga, Marta Vidal, Silvia Mistral, María Tobío, and the sisters Teresa and Ana María Alvajar are just some of their names.

Carme Vidal holds degrees in Philosophy and Sciences and Journalism from USC and completed a master's degree in Literature, Culture, and Diversity from UDC. She has worked professionally as a journalist in different media outlets, including A Nosa Terra and Sermos Galiza, where she was responsible for the Culture sections. She served as an advisor to the Department of Culture of the Xunta de Galicia (2005-2009) and as the head of communications for the vice-presidency of the Diputación da Coruña (2015-2021). She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of CRTVG at the proposal of BNG.

She is the author of the biography of Maruja Mallo and the biographical introductions to the memoirs Diarios de Syra Alonso and Cárcere de Ventas by Mercedes Núñez. She has published works on the recovery of women's memory, including those on Mª Luz Morales, Ana María Alvajar, and Pepa Noia. She is the co-author, along with David Barro, of the interview book Voces de Atlántica (Editorial Galaxia, 2001)