Poesia galega atual. Um coloquio poético con Lucía Cernadas.
20th December, 2024, 1.30 P.M.Under the coordination of Ánxela Lema, a member of ILLA, researcher Lucía Cernadas will present a poetic colloquium on contemporary Galician poetry.
Participation of Professor Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro in the IV Congresso Internacional de Literatura Brasileira.
From December 11 to 13, 2024Professor Martínez Pereiro, a member of ILLA, will deliver the plenary conference "A 'verdade' do eu no outro futuro: Machado de Assis póstero".
Presentation of the book "Beyond sentidiño:New Diasporic Reflections on Galician Culture"
4th December, 2024, 1.00 P.M.The event will be presented by Professor Ánxela Lema, a member of ILLA, and will feature contributions from the editors of the volume, Daniel Amarelo and Laura Lesta García.
Course 'Lingua galega e retos na era dixital: redes sociais e IA' of UIMP
October 24 and 25, 2024Professor Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei, member of the ILLA Group, directs the course Lingua galega e retos na era dixital: redes sociais e IA, at the Menéndez Pelayo International University
Performance by Pablísimo as part of the oral storytelling workshops
21th October, 2024, 10.30 a.m.The activity is coordinated by Prof. Iria Sobrino, a member of ILLA, and was organized with the support of this group.
Conference by J. M. Fustes "O portugués no/do Uruguai como obxecto de investigación e como obxecto de ensino"
15th October, 7:00 p. m.The Uruguayan professor, Juan Manuel Fustes Nario, will give a conference on October 15th about the sociolinguistic reality of Portuguese in Uruguay. The event will be chaired by Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei, a member of the ...
II Xornadas de actualización en lingua galega e literatura no ensino
15th OctoberThe conference, organized by ILLA, is coordinated by Prof. Cilha Lourenço Módia and Prof. Xoán López Viñas.
'Falarmos do reino de Galiza: investigación e divulgación', conference by Carlos Lixó
14th October 2024, 1.00 p.m.The conference is organized by Prof. Isaac Lourido, a member of ILLA.
Poetic dialogue "Unha rebeldía que estoura sen ruído"
9th October, 12.30 P. M.Next Wednesday, October 9th, the poetic dialogue Unha rebeldía que estoura sen ruído will take place, featuring Nuria Vil, Branca Trigo, and Bea Saiáns, and coordinated by Ánxela Lema, member of ILLA
Talk "Biciosas e Visibles: ler e reflexionar sobre a bisexualidade"
25th September, 2024, 12.30 p.m.On the occasion of International Bisexuality Day, the ILLA group is organizing a colloquium to reflect on this topic.