
Presentation of 'Intenso e solidario feminismo. Estudos rosalianos' of Pilar García Negro
2th November, 2023, 7.30 p.m.
Cubo de Normal (Paseo de ronda 47)

The volume was edited by Carmen Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián, member of ILLA

At the behest of ILLA group, Professor Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián prepared Intenso e solidario feminismo. Estudos rosalianos  as a collective recognition of Pilar García Negro's distinguished status as a Rosalianist. García Negro is an honorary professor at UDC and a memeber of ILLA.

The book brings together an anthology of studies published by Prof. García Negro over a long period, from 1980 to 2022, tracing her research and publishing career from its beginnings to the present, where she is established as a leading author in Rosalian studies. The compilation is introduced by a prologue from the editor and includes an epilogue by Prof. Kathleen March.

Intenso e solidario feminismo features fifteen works (ten articles and five book chapters) from the extensive body of work that Pilar García Negro dedicated to Rosalía de Castro, in addition to her Rosalía-related bibliography. These fifteen texts were selected not only for being representative of the author's main areas of interest but also, in most cases, for being difficult for the general public to access today. This difficulty arises from various factors: some articles are old and were originally published in informal formats or in out-of-print books, while others were included in academic publications that are not always open access and thus not easily accessible to the general public.

The book presentation will take place on November 2 at 7:30 PM at Cubo de Normal (Paseo de Ronda 47) and will feature Cristina López Villar, Vice-Rector for Culture, Equality, and Sport; Nieves Pena Sueiro, Director of the Publications Service; Carme Fernández Pérez Sanjulián; and Pilar García Negro. The event is open to all interested attendees.