
Inma Doval Porto is a graduate in Geography and History (1989), specialty in Modern and Contemporary Art, from the University of Santiago de Compostela. She completed her master's degree in Literature, Culture and Diversity, specialty in Galician and Portuguese, in 2019, obtaining the Extraordinary Prize. Her Master's Final Project, directed by Maria do Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián, is entitled Proxección autoral das poetas galegas nas Redes Sociais Dixitais. Aproximación a catro casos representativos: Helena Villar Janeiro, Dores Tembrás, Afra Torrado e Estíbaliz Espinosa Río.
She is currently working on her doctoral thesis on the relationships between arts in Galician, Portuguese and Brazilan poets, directed by professors Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro and Alva Martínez Teixeiro, within the research line in Galician and Portuguese Literatures and Cultures and Medieval Literature, in the Official Inter-University Doctorate Program in Literary Studies (UDC-UVigo).
Apart from her research career, she is a librarian at UDC and a visual artist. She coordinates and moderates the reading club Club de lectura e encontros literarios da UDC, Nébeda since its start in 2014.