
Alberto Pombo holds a degree in Galician Philology from the University of A Coruña, where he also completed two master's degrees related to pedagogical practice and Literature, Culture and Diversity.
As a teacher, he has taught Galician History and Galician Literature at the University of Extremadura, where he was responsible for the cultural management of the Centre for Galician Studies between 2010 and 2014 and is member of the LEPOLL research group. He currently works in secondary education as a teacher of Galician language and literature, and has been awarded the Premio Mil Primaveras en 2020, which is awarded by the CTNL for the work developed in favour of the promotion of the Galician language among young people. In addition, he works in the press since 2004. In 2009, he participated in the creation of the Portal Galego da Língua and, in 2010, he participated in the creation of the news portal Diário Liberdade.
Currently, directed by Teresa López and Xosé María Dobarro, he is working on his doctoral thesis "Verso e acorde: Relacións entre literatura galega e música".