
Passing of Professor Maria do Amparo Tavares Maleval
January 2021

Professor Maleval, a referent in Galician studies in Brazil, has died due to COVID-19.

It is with great sorrow that ILLA reports the sad news of the death of our beloved colleague Maria do Amparo Tavares Maleval, a retired professor at UERJ and UFF.

A Doctor in Letters at University of São Paulo, Prof.  Maleval standed out as a referent in Brazilian medievalism, a field in which she published works on Fernão Lopes, drama, Jacobean literature and troubadour poetry. In the recent years her research was mostly focused in the updates of medieval tradition in Galician, Portuguese and Brazilian literature.

Amparo was a firm activist in favour of the extension of Galician Studies in the Brazilian academy, as she was responsible for the creation of the Galician Studies Group at UFF and for the Galician Studies programme and the Galician assistant teaching scheme at UERJ. Many activities aiming at the dissemination of Galician culture, literature and language were organised under her coordination, and many academic works on our letters were written under her supervision.

ILLA maintained a special relationship with professor Maleval. In 2002 and 2003, within the Hispano-Brazilian program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and by CAPES, we launched the project “Emerxencia lingüística e literaria na Galiza e no Brasil” –coordinated on the Galician side by Prof. Francisco Salinas–, and in 2007 and 2008 our collaboration continued with “Os procesos de emerxencia lingüística e literaria nos espazos galego e brasileiro. Perspectiva comparada” –coordinated at UDC by Prof. Laura Tato. As a result of this cooperation, we held a sustained academic friendship, the holding of several scientific meetings, the exchange of researchers and the publication of the four volumes of Estudos Galego-brasileiros.

May the earth be light upon her.

 More information on professor Maleval's academic curriculum: