
Issuing of 'Estudos atuais de linguística galego-portuguesa'
17 June 2019

Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei, professor at the University of A Coruña and member of the ILLA group, and Maria Aldina Marques, professor at the University of Minho, publish in Laiovento a collective volume with works that exemplify the main lines of linguistic research in the Galician-Portuguese field developed in both institutions.

"Continuing a very fruitful teaching and research relationship between the Galician and Portuguese Philology Area of ​​the University of A Coruña and the Department of Portuguese and Lusophone Studies of the University of Minho, the present work, that collects studies of members of the two academic institutions or those linked to them, is issued. It was preceded by the works, also collective, Novas perspetivas lingusticas no espaço galego-português, published in 2015, and As Ciências da Linguagem no espaço galego-português. Diversidade e convergência, published in 2016, both equally organized by the same people in charge of the volume that the public has now in their hands. […] The broader semantic spheres of the terms philology and linguistics, therefore, remain in this book as the general axes that guide the subject of its studies. There are some that address issues of grammar, textual ecdotics, or historical sociolinguistics, while others focus on synchronous matters". (Excerpts translated from the "Introdução" to Estudos atuais de lingüística galego-portuguesa)

This volume includes contributions by ILLA members Manuel Ferreiro, Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato, Xoán López Viñas and Estefanía Mosquera, as well as by its editor, Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei.