
Critical Glossary of Medieval Galicia-Portuguese Lyric Poetry. II. Cantigas de Escarnho e de mal dizer

Reference number
Funding body
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant amount
€ 9000 (total)
Period of funding
01-01-2013 / 31-12-2015
Project website
Principal Researcher

This project constitutes the second part of the dictionarized glossary which contextualizes and exhaustively revises the satitic corpus of the profane Galician-Portuguese poetry. At this stage, the purpose is to produce a glossary of the Cantigas de Escarnho e de Mal Dizer (c. 500 compositions), in which other minor genres not belonging to the love genre are included (tençós, plahns, eulogies, etc.). The elaboration of this second and last part of the dictionary leads us to a critical revision of the traditional fixation of this satiric corpus (traditional vulgata). This is particularly problematic from the ecdotic point of view in such a way that the elaboration of the glossary, as it already happened in the first part, will bring about certain textual changes, very relevant to the final objective. It will also complete the study of the Galician-Portuguese literary language through the satiric text corpus, particularly focused on variation.


Publications and outcomes

  • Books
  • Websites
  • Book Chapters
  • Conferences
  • Journals
  • Recensions
Eirín, Leticia / Ferreiro, Manuel, O Cancioneiro de Pero Mafaldo. Edición crítica, Santiago de Compostela, Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, 2014, 199 pp. [ISBN 978-84-453-5167-3].
Eirín, Leticia , "Darío Xohán Cabana, Primeiro era Occitania... Os trobadores de Occitania. Escolma, edición e traducións de Darío Xohán Cabana, Edicións da Curuxa, 2011, 638 páxinas", Grial, 191, Vigo, 2011, pp. 92-93 [ISBN 0017-4181].
Eirín, Leticia , "Henrique Monteagudo (edición e estudo), O epílogo da lírica trobadoresca galego-portuguesa. "En cadea sen prijon". Cancioneiro de Afonso Paez. Poesía galega postrobadoresca (1380-1430 ca.), Xunta de Galicia, 2013, 208 páxinas", Grial, 198, Vigo, 2013, pp. 95-96 [ISBN 0017-4181].
Eirín, Leticia , "Simone Marcenaro, Pero Garcia Burgalés. Canzoniere: poesie d’amore, d’amico e di scherno. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2012, 469 pp. / Osoiro Anes. Cantigas. Roma: Carocci editore, 2012, 154 pp. ", Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía, 40, Santiago de Compostela, 2013, pp. 515-520 [ISBN 0210-377X].